I have 3 demographics to cater to in this preliminary task. It consists of teens, kids & adults however teens and kids tend to blend together. First of all my colour palettes choice is red, yellow & blue which connotes the colours of Rooks Heath hence why I chose them and is also a lively or colourful code of address coming as a outgoing positive magazine. Teens have been catered to via the use of humorous puns like “You Shall Not Pass!” as a title of an article along woth the uses of other puns which can be identified by teens lie “Hammer Time” title of the article which is mimicking MC hammers usage of the phrase. Also Hip Hop is the dominant music taste in teens in this day and age. Adults have been catered to via my use of more mature less humorous content such as “A LEVEL REFORMS” article in bold, underlined and upper case letters used to signify importance to parent, as well as the students also, adults have also been catered to via the pages like Contact Us, Uniform prices etc which are relevant and matter to an parent of a child whom attends Rooks Heath. Kids or children have been catered to via some of the pages in magazine related to upcoming trips like Thrope Park which children find exciting moreover actual educational news bulletins and also my main central image of a Rooks Heath Student doing a celebratory fist pump can be quite humorous also to kids and mimics that of success kid (Viral internet character featured also in Virgin Media advertisements).
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