Numbers are next to "Johnny Cash" or "Dolly
Parton" indicates which page number the article starts
A whole side of a page has been dedicated to information
about Country Weekly. The location of publishing, customer service, list and
contact details of people who have produced the magazine and its articles for
example Editor In Chief. A company logo has been placed on the bottom right of
the page for recognition (note the "MPA").
Artist index via time period for example 70s to 80s etc. helps in efficient artist acquisition of artists for reader convenience. This is a feature I could potentially utilise due to the helpful purpose for the reader. I am also seeing a correlation in the country magazines I have analysed as they tend to be extremely neat and coordinated with references and telephone numbers in the correct convenient places.
Quick taster articles or summary of what article consists of
are found underneath the subheading of the article
The contents page utilises colour coding for differing
articles like Green for the 80s articles
Page numbers are subtly included for the actual contents page
itself, via this it tends not to be in the way and also the editor has cleverly
placed the website of Country Weekly next to the page number so its hard to miss
utilising Synergy etc. to promote the magazine. This is a brilliant feature
which can be used in my final magazine to reach out to my demographic in multiple
ways as Country Weekly has, as a result enabling readers to stay connected to the franchise even when the magazine is not in their hands they can still access information from the Country Weekly website via Web 2.0 and the miniaturisation and proliferation of hardware.
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